Street Narcotics: What everyone needs to know!
Identify narcotics, make better arrest and prepare solid cases for court.
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Street Narcotics: What everyone needs to know! is a basic course focused on helping you make better arrests and building better street-level drug possession cases. In this course you will learn about the US Drug Enforcement Agency's Drug Scheduling, Stimulants, Opioids and Designer Drugs. As a student you will learn about drug packaging, street names, paraphernalia, indicators of narcotic use and how to build a better possession of sales case. This course will lay the foundation for you to become a subject matter expert of street-level narcotics.
Who Should Attend: Law enforcement officers, custody officers, probation officers and parole officers of all different experience levels who are interested in building a knowledge base of street-level narcotics. This class is also recommended for students who are educators, social workers and even parents. This class will give you the basic knowledge to recognize when a student, client or child is utilizing narcotics.
Your Instructor
Jarrett Morris is a sergeant with a Southern California law enforcement agency with more than 15-years of law enforcement experience. During the course of his career, he has worked gang, narcotic and homicide investigations for almost 10-years. Jarrett is a certified court expert in narcotic sales in the State of California.